Health and Social Care Integration: Consultation (Falkirk Partnership)

NHS Forth Valley are currently consulting a wide range of partners on the draft integration schemes which have been developed for each of the new Health and Social Care Partnerships. They also wish to consult with stakeholders on the draft integration scheme. The integration schemes describe how the Partnerships plan to involve local communities and partners in planning and delivering integrated services and develop the workforce who deliver these services.

They will also set out joint arrangements for managing clinical and care governance, finance, information sharing and complaints on a joint basis. Much of the content is defined by legal requirements and there is therefore limited scope for change. They would, however, welcome any feedback and comments, particularly in relation to the draft vision and outcomes. You can do this by completing the short online questionnaire below or emailing your comments to the address listed at the bottom of this page.


Falkirk Health and Social Care Partnership Contact

Suzanne Thomson

Programme Manager, Health & Social Care Integration, Falkirk

Address: Denny Town House, Glasgow Road, Denny FK6 5DL
